
About Saturday Night.

When I say 'death is', you say 'final'! They beep LOUDDD! / GO TO BED! Some tap water... and rice. I'm in the plant if you want to talk. *taps on casket* Now usually I don't do this but... uh... Ooey, gooey, yummy yummy -- delicious -- quesadiLLa I’ll take the... uh... condom thing for... uh... 8,000 / Why don't you give me Ape Tit for 200 / Who is... uh... Scooby-Doo / The answer, of course, is onionzzz It's gonna be there forever... Picky, picky!!! I'm mostly gelatin... eeee BUT BISH... *tilts head* ...HE CRAY. *crossed eyes* You said you would be my Oprah! They were making a sound the whole time... baaaah... baaaeh Be our guest, be our guest... caviar, Versace... YOU'RE A WET DISGRACE! When this baby hits 88 mph, you're gonna see some serious shit! But... I coulda' used a little more cowbell. / EXPLORE THE SPACE. / I've got a FEVER! and the only prescription... is more cowbell!!!